Travel Planner

Welcome to Epic Travel Tours, where we redefine the concept of travel planning. Unlike most travel planners who focus on offering luxurious and exotic destinations, we cater specifically to busy executives who crave a well-deserved vacation but lack the time to meticulously plan it themselves. At Epic Travel Tours, we understand the stress and time-consuming nature of creating the perfect getaway for yourself and your family. That’s why we have taken it upon ourselves to provide a valuable solution for vacation planning.

At Epic Travel Tours, we take pride in our ability to handle all the intricate details of travel planning. Our team of expert travel planners is dedicated to taking care of all the specifics for you. From customising your travel itinerary to suit your preferences and interests, to ensuring seamless connections between your chosen destinations, we handle it all. With our conscientious attention to detail, you can rest assured that every aspect of your trip will be meticulously planned and executed.

What sets us apart is our commitment to efficiency and flexibility. We understand that time is of the essence for busy executives, which is why we offer a unique service: the ability to plan your vacation and have you ready to leave within 24 hours. Imagine being able to pack your bags and embark on a well-planned adventure in such a short span of time.

At Epic Travel Tours, we understand that your time is valuable, and we strive to make the process of planning a vacation as effortless as possible. With our local expertise and insider knowledge, we ensure that every aspect of your journey is taken care of, from booking flights and accommodations to arranging transportation and activities. Our goal is to provide you with the freedom to fully enjoy your vacation without the stress of planning.

Experts in curating experiential tours over 10 years